Transforming Visionaries into Leaders of Change

Where the pace of innovation defines success, Lead to Disrupt stands as the pinnacle mastermind programme exclusively crafted for visionary leaders in the global built environment sector. This is not just a leadership programme; it's a transformative journey setting the gold standard in fostering breakthrough business best practices and relentless pursuit of excellence.

Who is Lead to Disrupt For?

Lead to Disrupt is meticulously designed for senior professionals who are at the helm of driving transformative change within their organisations. If you are a leader with over 20 years of experience, aiming to redefine industry norms and elevate your firm's legacy while balancing profitability and environmental consciousness, this mastermind is for you.

  • Inspire change and innovation across the built environment industry.

  • Uphold transparency and clarity in all actions and communications.

  • Celebrate achievements and embrace a culture of calculated risk-taking.

  • Foster visionary thinking and bold implementation.

  • Sharpen decision-making with integrity and purpose.

Your Pain Points,

Our Priority.

Understanding the Complexities You Face

As a leader in the built environment, steering large firms and guiding teams of highly qualified architects, engineers, and construction professionals, you face a unique set of challenges. These not only affect your professional life but can also impact you personally, sometimes profoundly. At LEAD TO DISRUPT, we recognise the breadth and depth of these challenges and are committed to helping you navigate them effectively.

Professional Challenges Keeping You Awake at Night:

Complex Project Overloads: We help you overcome the paralysis of choice and complexity with streamlined processes, making project management more efficient and less overwhelming.

Sustainability Pressures: We guide you in aligning your practice with the latest in sustainable innovation, ensuring that you achieve a balance between profitability and planetary responsibility.

Leadership Isolation: We provide a platform to break from the echo chambers of conventional leadership, connecting you with peers who are actively rewriting the rules of the built environment.

Personal Challenges That Touch

the Core of Your Leadership:

Failure to Achieve Goals: The weight of your company’s success rests heavily on your shoulders. When goals are not met, it can feel personally devastating—our community supports you in these moments.

Ethical Dilemmas: Facing decisions that might compromise your values for business gains can cause significant distress. We offer ethical guidance and support to navigate these tough choices.

Balancing Work and Personal Life: Struggling to maintain this balance is common; we provide strategies to manage your responsibilities effectively without sacrificing personal time.

Impact of Decisions on People's Lives: The vast influence of your decisions can be a heavy burden. We help you strategise to ensure outcomes are as positive as possible.

Handling Conflict: Conflict within your organisation can be draining. Our experts assist you in conflict resolution strategies that respect all parties involved.

Public Scrutiny and Criticism: High-profile positions often come with intense scrutiny. We support you in managing public relations and maintaining your self-esteem.

Personal Attacks: Attacks on your character can be damaging; we help strengthen your resilience against such challenges.

Succession and Legacy Concerns: Concerns about succession and preserving your legacy are addressed with our forward-thinking planning and mentorship.

This is the only program in the world that is crafted with you in mind. 

Industry leaders like you face sleepless nights, pondering over how to outpace competitors, enhance profitability, and lead with an environmental conscience. LEAD TO DISRUPT is your answer—a space where the status quo is upturned and conventional boundaries are expanded.

We understand the unique pressures and responsibilities that come with leading an established or rapidly growing business in the built environment.

Whether you're at the helm of a company with a rich history and multiple transitions in leadership or you've founded and expanded your firm to significant acclaim, your role is crucial in steering a state-of-the-art business towards continued success.

You are certainly not alone. Across the globe, remarkable leaders are effecting change and demonstrating resilience every day. They play critical roles in shaping the trajectories of their organisations, significantly influencing our quality of life, economic landscapes, and the environmental health of our planet. Yet, too often, these leaders operate in isolation—ensconced within their teams, adhering to conventional strategies that may no longer yield the best results, and echoing the tenets of traditional leadership without challenge or innovation.

In recognising this, it's crucial to remember that transformative leadership requires breaking out from these confines, questioning the status quo, and actively seeking out fresh perspectives. 

“By fostering a community where innovation thrives and where leaders are empowered to share insights and challenge each other, we can elevate not only our practices but also the very fabric of our industries.”

Disruptive leadership is the cornerstone of future innovation.

As part of this exclusive network, you will:

  • Engage with top-tier leaders and pioneers in a confidential, elite setting.

  • Be guided by luminary facilitators renowned for their transformative impact.

  • Dive deep into strategic innovation with sessions tailored to provide real-world solutions and actionable insights.

Transformative Impact + Human Response +

Transformative Impact + Human Response +

At Lead to Disrupt, we recognise the unique pressures you face — from navigating complex project loads to leading with ethical integrity and balancing personal life. This mastermind is your platform to not only face these challenges but to convert them into opportunities for significant growth and groundbreaking innovation.

Leadership is not just about strategic thinking and decision-making; it's also about cultivating emotional resilience. We understand the deeply personal and often heart-wrenching challenges you face. Join us to access the support, strategies, and community you need to transform these pressures into opportunities for growth and innovation.

Dare to Disrupt

This space is carefully crafted for individuals like yourself—seasoned professionals with 20+ years of experience who take their roles seriously, have never faltered under pressure and are consistently driven towards excellence. You have amassed considerable achievements throughout your career, driving your business to win multiple awards and gaining recognition through cutting-edge projects and outstanding client service. Your determination and vision have distinguished you as part of an elite 1% in the industry, marking you as truly unique.

While your accomplishments are widely admired and serve as an inspiration to many, we understand that there are still challenges that keep you awake at night. You are a disruptor who has grown your enterprise in remarkably innovative ways. To continue on this path of disruption and growth, it is essential to constantly reimagine and reinvent yourself.

Disruption can be both an opportunity and a threat. How do you align your team when the path isn't clear? How do you identify and seize opportunities that others cannot see? It’s about more than grit; it’s about leveraging every failure as a stepping stone to greater success. True wisdom in leadership comes not from relentlessly pushing through but from understanding and learning from each challenge.

This is where LEAD TO DISRUPT comes into play. Our ecosystem is designed to help you learn more rapidly and make quick, informed decisions that keep you ahead of the curve. Here, you'll be part of a community well-versed in the complexities of large-scale acquisitions and adept at servicing billionaire clients with mega projects. You'll gain insights into the core operations of our industry and discover the most effective ways to engage and propel growth.

Join us to access a network where you can learn, partner, and scale your efforts more effectively. Our mastermind enables you to navigate the complexities of leadership within the built environment, ensuring that you're not just participating in the market but actively shaping its future.

Become extraordinary in the art of leadership by embracing a community that transforms failure into a foundation for innovation. At LEAD TO DISRUPT, we provide the support and resources necessary for you to thrive as a leader committed to making a significant impact. 

Ready to redefine the standards of success and lead with renewed confidence and strategic insight? Join LEAD TO DISRUPT and step into a world where your leadership journey is understood, supported, and celebrated.


Experience a transformational journey that equips you to not only manage the stresses of leadership but also to excel, driving your organisation toward unprecedented success. With us, engage in a learning environment that fosters real-world solutions and sustainable business practices, ensuring your legacy as a leader who not only leads but inspires.

Embark on Your Leadership Transformation:

Exclusive Network: Connect with top-tier leaders from across the globe in a confidential setting. With only 10 seats available, gain the undivided attention and bespoke solutions your leadership role demands.

Expert-Led Facilitation: Guided by luminaries in architecture and sustainability, our sessions are calibrated for maximum impact—each led by a specialist renowned for their transformative influence in the built environment.

Strategic Innovation: Each session is a deep dive into pioneering strategies and real-world applications, ensuring you walk away with actionable insights that can be implemented immediately.

Join the Vanguard of Disruptive Leadership

Leadership Mastery

You'll access cutting-edge solutions to complex challenges within the architecture and construction sectors, along with advanced training to enhance your leadership skills. Our goal is to empower you to lead not just effectively, but in a manner that is truly transformative.

Operational Excellence

Improve the efficiency of your operations significantly. We help you minimise waste and boost productivity, enhancing overall stakeholder value and propelling your practice toward operational excellence.

Global Impact

Play an active role in shaping the future of the built environment. Our focus on sustainability and innovation puts you at the forefront of global industry developments, allowing you to make a significant, positive impact on the world.

This mastermind is not for the complacent or the content.

It is crafted for leaders who dare to dream big and are ready to push the boundaries of what’s possible. LEAD TO DISRUPT is your platform to not only envision change but to initiate it, driving tangible results in your organisation and beyond.

Meet Our
Core Team

  • Co-founder, CEO and Director of Business Development

    A visionary architect, founder of Disrupt Collaborative and Editor-in-Chief of Disrupt MAG, and the dynamic organiser of the Disrupt Symposium. With her profound expertise as a seasoned entrepreneur, Sara is at the forefront of driving innovation, responsibility, and profitability within the architectural industry. She currently hosts the Arch Talk: Tank show, where she facilitates critical discussions on business strategies and leadership, helping industry leaders articulate and execute visionary ideas.

    Sara's dedication extends beyond the media into transformative leadership training, where she empowers leaders to unlock their full potential. Her approach fosters resilience and ignites profound impact, positioning her as a premier executive consultant and strategic planner in the built environment sector. Her work is characterized by a commitment to excellence and a passion for developing strategic initiatives that enhance organizational effectiveness and innovation.

    Living a dynamic lifestyle that mirrors her professional agility, Sara embraces activities like kitesurfing and skydiving, and she thrives on global travel. This lifestyle not only fuels her creativity but also enhances her global perspective, crucial for her leadership roles.

    What Sara is Most Passionate About:

    • Championing Entrepreneurship and Leadership: Sara views entrepreneurship and leadership as profound spiritual journeys, pivotal for self-discovery and personal mastery.

    • Fostering Happiness and Fulfillment: She is dedicated to guiding individuals toward holistic fulfillment, skillfully blending self-knowledge with strategic success across every dimension of life.

    • Cultivating Abundance and Authenticity: Sara empowers others to carve out their own paths and seize opportunities with integrity, nurturing a life of abundance and true authenticity.

    • Realizing Dream-Fueled Lives: By inspiring and guiding individuals to actively pursue and realize their dreams, Sara ensures that every step is taken with purpose and deep satisfaction.

  • Co-founder, COO and Director of Strategic Vision

    Seasoned architect, acclaimed author, CEO of Ede Enablers and Editorial Director of Disrupt MAG. Tania's career spans more than twenty-three transformative years, during which she has led and inspired multidisciplinary teams, including almost thirteen-years at Grimshaw in London. Her expertise ranges from intimate residential projects to grand-scale national infrastructure developments.

    Tania is recognised for her adept leadership in navigating complex project landscapes, consistently delivering outstanding results. Her passion for excellence in leadership is matched by a sharp eye for operational effectiveness, qualities refined through her diverse roles as a designer, chief motivator, inspirer, skilled negotiator, and vital bridge between design teams, stakeholders, and clients.

    Her current mission is to empower formidable leaders to accelerate innovation and enhance the legacy of the built environment. Tania is driven by a conviction that high-quality projects and thriving businesses can be realised without compromise, ensuring that leaders and their teams not only succeed but enjoy every step of their professional journey.

    What Tania is Most Passionate About:

    • Collaborating with Exceptional Leaders: Tania partners with visionary leaders to support and enhance their daring aspirations.

    • Cultivating Excellence: She is committed to nurturing excellence, focusing on elevating each leader to achieve their highest potential.

    • Encouraging Bold Leadership: Tania fosters leadership from diverse backgrounds, helping them to stand out and excel in their fields.

    • Navigating Complex Challenges: With expert precision, Tania skillfully guides through intricate strategic and design challenges, ensuring success and innovation.

  • Director of Design Leadership and Climate Innovation

    A visionary leader with over 25 years of experience transforming perceptions and shaping the built environment. His career includes influential roles as executive director for a national architectural association, editor-in-chief for a leading architecture magazine, and director of educational programming for international design conferences. Ian's expertise spans advocacy, strategic planning for municipalities and real estate developers, and providing expert guidance to design firms and cultural organizations. He has notable achievements in research, exhibitions, publications, fundraising, and events.

    Ian is recognized for crafting implementable solutions that bridge business and cultural perspectives, making him a trusted advisor to architecture and design firms of all sizes. He empowers clients to elevate their reputations, articulate their design processes, and demonstrate their capacity for innovation through persuasive leadership strategies. By integrating communications, leadership development, and targeted business development solutions, Ian helps clients effectively share their unique values with key audiences.

    A Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and a licensed architect with the Ontario Association of Architects, Ian's understanding of the design community and construction industry is extensive. His experience includes publishing, public speaking, design competitions, conferences, and expos. Ian has driven cutting-edge conference programming, established an accelerator program for the green economy transition, and led influential organizations in the architecture and design sectors.

    Ian's diverse background encompasses public policy, business administration, and architecture and urban design degrees from the University of British Columbia and Harvard University Graduate School of Design. He has been honored with numerous awards and research grants and served in leadership roles as a teacher, public speaker, design juror, committee and board member, and member of various selection committees shaping architecture and urban planning.

    His mission is to empower leaders to innovate and enhance the built environment's legacy. Ian is driven by a conviction that high-quality projects and thriving businesses can be realized without compromise, ensuring leaders and their teams succeed and enjoy their professional journeys.

    What Ian is Most Passionate About:

    • Remaking Architectural Leadership: Ian views leadership in architecture and design as a profound journey essential for discovering and mastering one's potential within the built environment.

    • Nurturing Visionary Thinking: He is dedicated to guiding professionals toward holistic growth, seamlessly integrating innovative design thinking with strategic planning to achieve success and fulfillment across every project and initiative.

    • Facilitating Excellence and Authenticity: Ian's empowering approach encourages architects and designers to carve out their unique paths and embrace opportunities with integrity. His efforts foster a culture of excellence and authenticity, providing the support and encouragement the industry needs.

    • Inspiring Purpose-Driven Design: By motivating and leading individuals to passionately pursue and realize their architectural visions, Ian ensures that every project is undertaken with purpose, creativity, and deep satisfaction.

Meet Our Pioneering Esteemed Leaders

Lead to Disrupt is honoured to host a distinguished panel of senior leaders who are not only pioneers in their fields but also seasoned practitioners with a deep commitment to fostering leadership and innovation in the built environment. These leaders bring a wealth of experience from leading global firms and are instrumental in shaping the strategic direction of our mastermind programme.

These are individuals who have led their practices to achieve remarkable, often groundbreaking results. They include emeritus and soon-to-retire CEOs with over 50 years of leadership experience, whose portfolios of global achievements reflect not only the robust health in which they left their firms but also the projects and client bases they have significantly influenced worldwide.

These seasoned leaders make themselves readily available to you as part of your experience with us. They actively participate in our sessions, ready to guide you, answer your questions, and provide support every step of the way.

At Disrupt Collaborative, we weave a tapestry of deep, generational wisdom, where we don't just anticipate the future of the built environment; we define it.

  • A seasoned executive coach and consultant with a distinguished 37-year career at the national architectural firm Shepley Bulfinch. Born and raised in the mailroom, Carole broke barriers to become the firm's first female President and CEO in 2004, a role she held for 17 years. Under her leadership, Shepley Bulfinch expanded its national presence, opening studios in Phoenix, Houston, Hartford, and Durham, and broadening its portfolio to include education, healthcare, urban development, and science and technology.

    Carole's tenure at Shepley Bulfinch is marked by her dedication to sustainability and diversity. As the first LEED-accredited principal at the firm, she led Shepley Bulfinch to become a corporate member of the U.S. Green Building Council and a signatory to the AIA 2030 Challenge. Her emphasis on environmentally responsive design integrated sustainable and resilient principles throughout the firm's projects. In 2011, the firm was awarded the AIA National Diversity Recognition Award and named the 2020 ENR Southwest Design Firm of the Year.

    Carole also played a pivotal role in transforming Shepley Bulfinch into a women-owned firm, consistently earning a spot on the Commonwealth Institute's Top 100 Women-Led Businesses from 2011 to 2022. She co-founded the national AIA Women’s Leadership Summit in 2009, advocating for the advancement of women and BIPOC colleagues in the AEC industry. Her influence extends to her numerous regional and national awards, including her induction as a Fellow in the American Institute of Architects in 2008, the Women in Design Award of Excellence in 2013, and the Edward C. Kemper Award in 2020 for significant service to the AIA.

    In her retirement, Carole continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of architects and leaders. She remains active in the industry as an executive coach and consultant, dedicated to fostering the same culture of mentorship and excellence that defined her career at Shepley Bulfinch.

  • A distinguished architect and executive with a transformative career in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Born on October 2, 1942, in Alton, Illinois, MacLeamy currently serves as the chairman of buildingSMART International, where he champions the global implementation of building information modelling (BIM) and the development of nonproprietary, interoperable standards for data exchange in the design and construction industry.

    Previously, Patrick was the Chairman and CEO of HOK, one of the largest design firms in the world. During his tenure, he played a pivotal role in leveraging new technologies and collaboration tools to enhance architectural practice. He is the author of the book "Designing a World-Class Architecture Firm: The People, Stories, and Strategies Behind HOK," which provides valuable insights and lessons for architects and creative professionals. Inspired by his book, Patrick co-hosts the podcast “Build Smart” with Mark R. LePage, AIA, NCARB.

    Patrick is renowned for developing the MacLeamy Curve, a concept that illustrates the increasing cost of design modifications as a project progresses. His time-effort distribution curves are widely referenced by researchers and professionals seeking to mainstream BIM implementation in the AEC industry. Through his advocacy and innovative ideas, Patrick MacLeamy continues to influence the future of architectural design and practice.

  • The founding partner of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF), established in 1976 alongside A. Eugene Kohn and Sheldon Fox. Under his visionary leadership, KPF rapidly gained prominence and, in 1990, became the youngest firm to receive the National AIA Firm Award for design excellence.

    Bill's contributions to architecture have been recognised through numerous personal honours. These include the Rome Prize in Architecture in 1965, the Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize from the American Academy and the National Institute of Arts and Letters, and the Lynn S. Beedle Lifetime Achievement Award from the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH). He has also received the Medal of Honor from the AIA of New York, the Gold Medal from Tau Sigma, and the University of Minnesota’s Alumni Achievement Award. His election as a member of the National Academy and the International Award by The Society of American Registered Architects (SARA) further underscore his influence in the field.

    Throughout his career, Bill has received the AIA National Honor Award seven times for landmark projects such as 333 Wacker Drive in Chicago, Procter & Gamble World Headquarters in Cincinnati, the World Bank in Washington D.C., and the New Academic Complex at City University of New York/Baruch College. His Shanghai World Financial Center was honored as Best Tall Building in the World by the CTBUH in 2008. Other notable projects include the Goldman Sachs Headquarters in London, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, the IBM Headquarters in Armonk, the International Commerce Centre (ICC) in Hong Kong, and Hudson Yards in New York.

    In addition to his architectural practice, Bill has been an influential academic, lecturing internationally and serving on various academic and professional juries and symposia. He has held prestigious teaching positions, including the Eero Saarinen Chair at Yale University and visiting professorships at the Rhode Island School of Design, Columbia University, and Harvard University. He has also been honoured as the Herbert S. Greenwald Distinguished Professor in Architecture at the University of Illinois at Chicago and served on the Board of the University of Minnesota Foundation. Bill holds degrees in architecture from the University of Minnesota and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    William Pedersen's legacy is defined by his pursuit of architectural excellence, his innovative approach to urban design, and his commitment to mentoring the next generation of architects. Through his extensive body of work and his ongoing engagement with the architectural community, Bill continues to shape the future of cities around the world.

  • With an illustrious 34-year tenure at Turner Fleischer Architects, Ellen Bensky has been instrumental in transforming the firm into a prominent and innovative force in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Turner Fleischer, based in Toronto, Ontario, specializes in Architecture, Interior Design, and Experiential Graphic Design, and has grown under her guidance from a small team to a dynamic studio of 250 professionals. Her unique journey as a non-architect to becoming a partner and, ultimately, Principal, CEO, and CFO is a testament to her exceptional leadership and vision.

    Over the decades, Ellen has built a robust business infrastructure for Turner Fleischer. Her innovative approach has redefined the traditional business model of the industry, emphasizing that operational teams are the foundation of a successful AEC practice rather than an overhead burden. She believes in creating operational efficiency and providing comprehensive support that empowers designers to focus fully on their expertise without being hindered by administrative tasks. Through her strategic vision, she has cultivated an environment where operational excellence and creative innovation thrive harmoniously.

    Ellen's commitment to technology is a cornerstone of her leadership. She has expanded the firm's capabilities to include a 13-person Digital Practice Department. This team is dedicated to digitizing both the practice and the projects, positioning Turner Fleischer at the forefront of emerging technologies. Additionally, she established a Knowledge Management Department, which focuses on creating a studio connected by knowledge and integrating the sharing of knowledge and data. The synergy between these departments fosters an adaptable, agile, and forward-thinking studio, essential in today’s era of hybrid work and continuous evolution.

    Passionate about education and lifelong learning, Ellen has spearheaded the comprehensive TF Academy, Turner Fleischer's unique education program that runs continuously throughout the year. TF Academy provides learning and teaching opportunities for all studio members, sharing critical knowledge relevant to business, technology, practice, and wellness. A team of learning and development specialists not only administers the academy but also meticulously ensures that adult learning principles are seamlessly integrated into all aspects of supporting the growth and development of studio members.

    Ellen's influence extends beyond Turner Fleischer, impacting the AEC industry through her initiatives and dedication to operational excellence. She has shared her insights on national and international stages, with notable speaking engagements at Autodesk University, KA Connect, the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada’s Festival of Architecture, BiLT Australia/New Zealand, BiLT North America, the Unanet Champions Conference. Her commitment to sharing knowledge and lessons learned drives her to speak and disrupt the norm within the industry.

    In recognition of her contributions, Ellen received an Honorary Advanced Diploma in Architectural Technology from George Brown College in 2019. She also serves on the Board of Directors of Taylor Design Architecture and Planning in Tustin, California. Ellen's leadership and strategic vision have positioned Turner Fleischer as a trailblazer in the AEC sector, leveraging business needs and architectural realities to drive operational excellence. She remains dedicated to building a dynamic, results-oriented organization committed to client satisfaction, staff retention, and growth. Through her leadership, Ellen has created an environment that empowers the studio to make a profound and lasting impact for its members, its clients, its community, and the industry.

  • A seasoned architect and landscape architect with over 30 years of professional experience. He currently serves as CEO and managing partner at King + King Architects, where he is the partner-in-charge of education projects, spanning both higher education and K-12 environments throughout New York State. His notable projects include the LeMoyne College Master Plan and Madden School of Business, renovations of the stadium and the Carmelo K. Anthony Basketball Center (LEED certified) at Syracuse University, the SUNY Brockport New Special Events Center (LEED Gold certified), and numerous residence hall projects at Syracuse University and SUNY campuses in Oneonta, Cortland, Morrisville, and Oswego.

    In the K-12 sector, Kirk has been instrumental in various projects with the Syracuse City School District, North Syracuse and Central Square school districts, and his alma mater, the Albion Central School District in western New York. His leadership extends beyond project management; he served as the 2012 AIA Central New York past president and the 2018 AIA New York state president. Currently, Kirk represents New York State as the regional representative to the AIA National Strategic Council.

    Kirk's influence also permeates academia. As an adjunct professor at Syracuse University’s School of Architecture, he has been teaching professional practice and digital technology classes every semester for the past 29 years, shaping the next generation of architects. His teaching is informed by his expertise in sustainable design, particularly in education environments. Kirk is a LEED Accredited Professional and holds NCARB certification, emphasizing his commitment to environmentally responsible design and professional excellence.

    Throughout his career, Kirk Narburgh has demonstrated broad leadership capabilities, not only within his firm but also as a community board administrator, often serving as chairperson. His dedication to sustainable design in educational settings and his extensive teaching experience highlight his dual commitment to advancing architectural practice and nurturing future professionals.

Peer to Peer

Peer to Peer

We curate and assemble a group of peers you will be proud to join—a community of leaders from whom you can learn and with whom you can grow. The members of this network are not only powerful and accomplished but also possess a depth of knowledge that surpasses what any single consultancy could offer.


Proposed Monthly Themes and Sessions

Month 1: Getting Intentional

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Declaring Your Personal and Professional Intentions for the Mastermind

Objective: Help leaders acknowledge where they are right now and where they want to get to in 12 months. 

  • Intention statements are shared, and commitments are made to hold each other accountable for aligned actions.

Month 2:
Defining a Vision & Design Excellence

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Defining and Articulating Your Vision and Design Excellence Quality Control

Objective: Help leaders articulate a clear, compelling personal and practice vision underpinned by a strong sense of purpose and principles to implement. Focus on strategies to exceed design excellence.

  • Leadership mastery workshop, role-playing sessions with expert insights.

Month 3: Tackling Sustainable Leadership

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Identifying Primary Sustainable Leadership Challenges to Overcome

Objective: Equip leaders with tools and strategies to overcome specific obstacles to effective leadership such as managing diverse teams, building lasting client relationships and sharpening decision-making with a focus on meeting sustainability objectives.. 

  • Vision creation workshop, peer feedback, and expert insights on defining a vision and creating a culture of design excellence.

Month 4: Developing Operational Strategies

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Developing Operational Excellence

Objective: Help leaders understand operational efficiency, simplify systems, and implement effective strategies to enhance productivity and streamline workflows.

  • Establishing and tracking performance metrics, managing organisational change, and utilising resources efficiently. Interactive workshops with industry expert insights. Developing personalised action plans for continuous improvement and operational excellence.

Month 5:
Embracing Calculated Risks 

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Mitigating Risks and Embracing A Fast Failure Mentality

Objective: Equip leaders with tools and strategies to mitigate risks so that a healthy relationship with taking calculated risks is developed. 

  • Brainstorming market trends workshop, exploring business development strategies, and developing a personalised financial plan utilising profitability levers with expert insights.

Month 6: Growing & Strengthening Finances

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Meticulous Planning and Execution of Strategic Financial Framework

Objective: Identify and leverage new business and/or revenue opportunities aligned with organisational vision and values.

  • Risk mitigation mastery workshop, role-playing sessions with expert insights.

Month 7: Acknowledging Big-Picture Obstacles 

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Aligning Business Strategies with Environmental and Regulatory Constraints

Objective: Integrate cutting-edge sustainable practices into business operations to gain a competitive advantage.

  • Workshop on sustainable design principles, discussions on balancing profitability,  sustainability commitments and utilising new technologies.

Month 8:
Communicating, Advocacy and Your Brand 

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Strengthening Market Presence, Influence and Your USP

Objective: Develop strong branding, advocacy skills and compelling communication strategies.

  • Case studies on ethical dilemmas, discussions on maintaining integrity and strategies for measuring progress that start small but lead to significant cumulative gains.

Month 9: Measuring Incremental Success

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Navigating Tough Decisions and Measuring Success

Objective: Ensure leaders can make fast-paced, ethical decisions that align with their values, vision and framework.

  • Branding and Communication workshop, advocacy strategy session, and expert feedback on branding initiatives.

Month 10: Embracing Technology & AI

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Embracing the use of the latest technology aligned with strategic vision 

Objective: Help leaders achieve a balanced approach to introducing new technologies, leveraging AI and implementing connected systems across the practice. 

  • Workshops on technology management, integration techniques, and peer discussions on strategies for trialling new systems.

Month 11:
Evolving Your Vision & Leadership  

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Redefining and Re-articulating Your Vision and Leadership Habits

Objective: Help leaders evolve and articulate a clear, compelling personal and practice vision utilising all of the perspective gained through the mastermind. Focus on strategies to develop improved leadership behaviours and habits.

  • Celebration of successes and discussions on long-term goals, and expert insights on maintaining momentum and building a lasting legacy.

Month 12: Bringing it All Together

2- 3 hour session

Session Focus: Bringing Learnings Together and Building a Legacy of Excellence

Objective: Revisit intentions and plan for long-term impact and legacy. Synthesise all of your key insights and build a momentum plan to continue your success trajectory.

  • Peer and expert review of evolved visions and design excellence quality control measures. Guidance on best approaches for communication and advocacy of these refined visions and measures.

3 Private

1:1 60 min Sessions are available to you throughout the Programme

Additional Programme Information

In addition to our structured monthly themes and sessions, participants will benefit from private 1:1 60-minute coaching calls with our facilitators. During these sessions, we will deep dive into your individual challenges and concerns, working together to navigate through them. These personalised calls are designed to monitor your progress and ensure that bespoke, private attention is provided to each participant. We are here to serve you and develop a meaningful relationship, supporting you every step of the way in your transformation.

LEAD TO DISRUPT: Disruptive Leadership Mastermind

12-Month Leadership Transformation Mastermind

Duration: Full-year access

Group Calls: One strategic group coaching session of 2-3 hours per month.


Value: £12,000

Dynamic Community Interaction

Platform: Exclusive WhatsApp group

Engagement: Interaction and support between sessions.

Value: £2,500

3 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Duration: 1 every 4 months

1:1 60-minute Coaching Calls: Personalised attention to address individual challenges and monitor progress throughout your leadership journey.    

Value: £4,500

Personalised Accountability Partner

Custom Matched: Carefully paired to ensure relevance and mutual benefit.

Value: £2,500

Expert Mentor Access and Exclusive Resources

Access: Direct consultation with Disrupt Collaborative Mentors

Resources: Exclusive training materials tailored for leaders in architecture, engineering, and construction             

Value: £12,000

Monthly Mastermind Hot Seats

Details: Opportunity for focused feedback on your specific challenges.

Value: £4,000

Leadership Resource Kit

Details: A curated kit including books, tools, and resources.

Value: £1,500

Personal Branding Consultation

Details: Expert advice on enhancing personal and professional branding.

Value: £5,500

Exclusive Discounts on Further Training and Retreats

Discount: 20% off all our Leadership Training Packages and Leadership Retreats.

Savings up to: £7,500

Leadership Assessment and Feedback Report

Details: Comprehensive leadership assessments and detailed feedback reports.

Value: £3,000

Customised Leadership Development Plan

Details: A personalised leadership development roadmap tailored to each participant's unique strengths and areas for improvement.  

Value: £3,000

Quarterly Progress Review

Review Progress: Evaluate the achievements and milestones you've reached so far.

Adjust Strategies: Discuss any challenges you are facing and modify strategies to overcome them.   

Value: £4,000


As a special offer, if you pay for the LEAD TO DISRUPT Mastermind programme in full upfront, you will receive a complimentary VIP ticket to our annual Disrupt Symposium. This exclusive ticket, valued at £2,900, includes priority seating and unique networking opportunities. You'll benefit from personal introductions tailored to accelerate your business growth, ensuring you make valuable connections. Enjoy the VIP treatment and prime seating, all designed to enhance your experience and maximise the impact of your participation in the event.

Value: £2,900


  • VALUED AT £12,000

  • VALUED AT £4,500

  • VALUED AT £12,000

  • VALUED AT £3,000

  • VALUED AT £3,000

  • VALUED AT £4,000

  • VALUED AT £2,500

  • VALUED AT £2,500

  • VALUED AT £4,000

  • VALUED AT £1,500

  • VALUED AT £5,500

  • VALUED AT £7,500

  • VALUED AT £2,900



Our promise to you

Our promise to you ⋆

We've got you covered.

At Disrupt Collaborative, we are confident in our value proposition and our commitment to providing top-tier service. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the services provided within LEAD TO DISRUPT, we offer a straightforward, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee within 60 days of the mastermind start date.

Investing with us is a decision for your future. We're here to support your journey to leadership excellence, and if you feel we haven't met your expectations, you'll receive a full refund within 60 days of starting LEAD TO DISRUPT. It's that simple.

We provide payment options so you can decide what is the most effective investment method for you. The best value is to pay in full, up front for a total of £10,500.

Alternatively, you can choose to pay in 3 instalments of £3,800 for a total of £11,400, or 6 instalments of £2,000 for a total of £12,000.


  • Understanding the demands of your schedule, our 12-month program is designed for flexibility, maximising efficiency without disrupting your daily operations. Typically, leaders commit 3 - 4 hours per month to online sessions and collaborative activities, which are scheduled in advance.

  • We aim to deliver measurable outcomes that positively impact both your leadership and your business. Expect to see improvements in streamlined processes, increased productivity, and innovative solutions that drive your bottom line and enhance overall performance in the built environment sector.

  • Our program is specifically tailored to the unique needs and challenges of leaders in large architectural and construction practices. Through targeted sessions, expert guidance, and collaborative problem-solving, we offer practical solutions that drive success in this specialised sector.

  • LEAD TO DISRUPT combines cutting-edge strategies, expert mentorship, and a supportive community of industry leaders, all focused on driving significant change and innovation in large built environment practices. We prioritise real-world applicability and efficiency to ensure maximal value from your investment.

  • Collaboration is central to our programme. Through interactive sessions, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and facilitated networking events, you'll connect with other industry leaders, share insights, and forge valuable relationships that last beyond the duration of the programme. We curate each group to avoid unhelpful competitiveness and we request all individuals to abide by strict confidentiality agreements.

  • Yes, continuous support is a cornerstone of DISRUPT TO LEAD. You'll have exclusive access to facilitators and fellow leaders within a dedicated WhatsApp group, ensuring you maintain momentum and achieve consistent success throughout the year.

  • Sustainability and ethical leadership are integral to our programme. We guide you in adopting environmentally friendly practices and fostering responsible business operations, ensuring your growth does not come at the expense of the planet or society.

  • Yes, our programme is crafted to accommodate busy leaders managing large projects and teams. We offer flexible learning options and on-demand resources, enabling you to effectively balance your workload while engaging in transformative leadership exchange and development.

  • Through focused sessions on advanced leadership skills, expert mentorship, and robust peer support, you will refine your abilities in strategic decision-making, effective leadership, calculated risk-taking and building resilient businesses and careers that are future fit and a joy to lead.

  • We provide payment options so you can decide what is the most effective investment method for you. The best value is to pay in full, up front for a total of £10,500. Alternatively, you can choose to pay in 3 instalments of £3,800 for a total of £11,400 or 6 instalments of £2,000 for a total of £12,000.

    we are confident in our value proposition and our commitment to providing top-tier service. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the services provided within LEAD TO DISRUPT, we offer a straightforward, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee within 60 days of the mastermind start date.

    Investing with us is a decision for your future. We're here to support your journey to leadership excellence, and if you feel we haven't met your expectations, you'll receive a full refund within 60 days of starting LEAD TO DISRUPT. It's that simple.


The path to transformative leadership begins with a single step. Join the LEAD TO DISRUPT Mastermind and embark on your journey to unparalleled success and innovation in the built environment sector. Reach out to us and take the first step today.